you can find the programme of the meeting here.
The presentations can be found on the wiki (password protected)
Session 1: The PLATO mission (Moderator: R-M. Ouazzani)
- The implementation of PLATO within the ESA Science programme (A. Heras)
- PLATO from the exoplanet point of view (M. Deleuil)
- PSM management (D. Brown)
- The PLATO Input Catalogue (G. Piotto)
- Plato signal to noise ratio (Carsten Paproth)
Session 2: Optimisation, Inference, selection criterium (Moderator: M. Cunha)
- Challenges for fitting observations of PLATO stars on the main sequence (D. Reese)
- Challenges for fitting observations of PLATO subgiant stars. (S. Deheuvels)
- BASTA: current features and planned development (contributed, V. Silva Aguirre)
Session 3 : Classical age dating (Moderators: J. Christensen-dalsgaard & A. Serenelli)
- Age determination in detached eclipsing binary systems (S. Degl’Innocenti)
- Isochrone fitting: model uncertainties and limitations (P. Moroni)
- Inferring stellar ages from Gaia data (R. Andrae)
- Activity-related age indicators (S. Barnes)
Session 4: Benchmark stars: which stars for what purpose? (Moderators: T. Morel & M. Cunha)
- Introduction: benchmarks in WP120 (J. Christensen-Dalgaard)
- Prospects from interferometry and asteroseismology : a symbiosis for stellar characterization (L. Bigot)
- Benchmark stars: prospects from eclipsing binaries (P. Maxted)
- The programme: «Accurate masses for double-lined spectroscopic binary components (Y. Lebreton)
- Benchmark targets for studying Rotation and Activity of Sun-like stars and its evolution (J.D. do Nascimento)
- Lessons learned from the TESS target selection (K. Stassun)
- Interferometry and exoplanets (contributed, R. Ligi)
- Benchmarks for asteroseismology: what we learnt from oscillating red giants in eclipsing binaries with the Kepler mission (contributed, P. Gaulme)
Session 5: Updating stellar modelling (Moderators: A. Serenelli & J. Christensen-Dalsgaard)
- Multi-dimensional stellar structure models applied to the problem of convective boundary mixing (overshooting) (I. Baraffe)
- Impact of atomic diffusion on the structure and surface abundances of G and F type stars: stellar parameter determinations and effects of rotation (M. Deal)
- Other aspects of input physics: nuclear rates, screening, opacities, EOS (A. Serenelli)
- Coupling 3D atmosphere into 1D stellar models. (V. Silva-Aguirre)
- An evolutionary scenario for M dwarf Stars: shortcomings and improvements in stellar modelling (S. Cassisi)
- Reviving Kufuß model for convection (contributed, G. Wuchterl)
- Improving the calibration of the mixing length parameter of convection: implications for the radii of cool stars (contributed, F. Spada)
- 3D simulations of DA white dwarfs for studying overshooting (contributed, F. Kupka)
Session 6: 3D modelling (Moderator: J. Ballot & A. Serenelli)
- Stagger grid of 3D atmosphere models (Remo Collet)
- Impact of the stellar surface structure on the solar-like oscillations (R. Samadi)
- Determination of fundamental stellar parameters from granulation signal (H. Ludwig)
Session 7: Simulating PLATO light curves and extraction of parameters (surface rotation and peak bagging) (Moderators: W.J. Chaplin & A.F. Lanza)
- Current status of PLATO Solar-like light curve simulator and future developments (R. Samadi)
- Kepler light curves as templates for simulating PLATO light curves (S. Aigrain)
- Organization of the hare-and-hound exercise to test algorithms for stellar rotation (A. F. Lanza)
- Stellar angular momentum evolution: latest observations and models(J. Bouvier)
- Asteroseismic Peak-Bagging: State of the Art and Planned Development (G. Davies)
- The rotation-activity relation of M dwarfs: from K2 to PLATO (S. Raetz)
- Inclination angle measurement and exoplanets (C. Damiani)
Last update on 20 June 2018